Week 1

Unesco book ICT in Primary Education, Volume 1: Exploring the origins, settings, and initiatives

After I checked some examples of different ways in which schools from 9 different countries use ICT, I selected two that are of interest to me and I have copied some ideas and methods from each one. These could be relevant to my own schools' plans, or to future policy on the use of ICT in primary schools.
The American Institute of Monterrey 

They seek not only to develop their students academic potential, but also ensure that their students develop their knowledge and skills in four other areas: wellness (social- emotional developments, universal moral values, health and physical education), Fine Artes (voice, musical instruments, dance, and theatre), Sports (soccer, basketball), and Technology and Multiculturalism, thus assuming that their students receive a well- rounded education attuned to the 21 st century. 

Their students use technology on a regular basis to create, inform and communicate, while in the process learning to respect and honor other cultures. 
Through their technology curriculum and its extension towards other curricular areas, student´s technological work focuses on research and information fluency, creativity development, communication, and collaboration, as well as digital citizenship and technological operations and concepts. 

  • They are embarking on the process of taking their teachers, students, staff, and parents by the hand to use technology as a Personal Learning Environment (PLE). 

Jamestown Elementary Scholls, USA

This school mission is to educate all children in an optimal learning environment, preparing them for success in a global society. The vision for technology use is to reach every student and make learning engaging, relevant, and connected to real lives. They accomplish this through actively engaging students in challenging learning experiences empowered by the use of a multitude of interactive and mobile technologies which inspire higher order thinkings, creativity, and solving real world problems.

  • Classrooms are equipped with digital toolkits that include a variety of mobile devices, laptops, and interactive whiteboards. Students can select their preferred tools for learning; individualizing how students access information, collaborate, express their creativity and share knowledge. 
  • Digital technologies are integrated across the curriculum facilitating different ways of learning and providing immediate access to relevant curriculum resources. Students engage in challenge-based learning with multidisciplinary, collaborative learning experiences in which teachers and students work together to learn about compelling issues, propose solutions to real problems, and take action. 
  • Through their digital connections, students participate daily in global learning linking the with students from around the world to carry out curriculum projects in science, history, geography, music, and world languages. Together with their international partners, they share learning, culture, and customs that promote a global awareness at a young stage. 
Go to see more...ICT- PRIMARY- 9schools

Moreeee!!!! :) 

I want to share this great link.
This is a Diigo group created as part of the MOOC "ICT in Primary Education: Transforming children's learning across the curriculum" (https://www.coursera.org/course/ictinprimary). You are encouraged to contribute, sharing additional resources (web pages, links to publications, ...).


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Beacon Primary School, Singapore