Learning Object using ICT

Title: Sharing our Peruvian richness 

Context: P5 Primary
Learning outcome: Creating and sharing podcasts about Peruvian natural resources and why to protect them.
21st-century skills ( critical thinking, creativity, teamwork, cross- cultural understanding, communication, self- direction, and technology)

  • Make a searching in differents web pages and books about natural resources.
  • Listing the Peruvian natural resources and its benefits
  • Making a draft of an audio to upload it in the pods-cast giving information about the resource and also why to consume them.
  • Producing videos about some Peruvian natural resources and why to consume it 
  • Provide feedback to children about the strategies they use and instruction as to how to improve them. 
  • Promote cooperation rather than competition. Research has competitive arrangements that encourage students to work alone to achieve high grades. 
  • Show children how they can use podcasts to help in the real- world problems. 
  • Guide and challenge student´s thinking and learning. 
  • Students can work in groups and assume the role of a coach/ co- ordinator who provides guidance and support to the groups. 
  • Smalls groups can have access to computers and handle a part of a task, after which groups get together and share their productions and ideas on how to solve the problem or build a model. During group work, responsibilities and tasks are distributed according to the talents, skills, and inclinations of each pupil, giving each an opportunity to learn from others.
  • Plan an oral presentation about  their podcast, and why it is important to promote the Peruvian natural resource. 

Resources (ICT tools): 

  • The students apply research skills as they use the Internet and CD- ROOMS as information tools to search information and use crtiical judgment to determine if the information is accurate, relvant and usefull. 
  • Use digital multimedia , such as images, audio and video. 
  • Use podcasts.

Assessment criteria:

  • Participation of students during the class giving ideas, expressing doubts, discussing about protection of natural resources. 
  • Giving an oral presentation in class about postcasts uploaded to share in internet. (creativity)

  • Using of Rubrics

Class participation: http://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=HX88BA6&sp=true&
Oral presentation rubric: http://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=LX88676&sp=true&


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