Good practices with ITC

ITEC Example Activities

The purpose of ITEC Learning Activities is to support teachers in Introducing the principle of innovation into their teaching practice. 
Three iTEC teachers, from three different countries - Spain, France, and Portugal - talk about their experiences of the iTEC project, and how iTEC Learning Activities have allowed them to introduce the principle of innovation to their teaching.

USA Partners of Innovation
The name of this web page is 21 st Century Learning EXEMPLAR PROGRAM- Patterns of Innovation

The 21st Century Learning Exemplar Program highlights best practices in 79 exemplar schools and districts across the country that are preparing students for college, career, and life by embedding critical 21st-century competencies into the learning environment. In the following link we can read the case studies of the P21 Exemplars. Each case study shares stories from teachers, students, and school leaders.

Some examples in my SCHOOL "Markham College- Peru"

My comments highlighting the good practices of some teachers in my school.

More !!!! Good practices

Learning and creating with iPads in Kindergarden


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